There are no bad questions...
Only ones that have yet to be answered.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control (2 Tim. 1:7).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Pt. 1: General Questions

Why Sent?
...we must conclude that without stepping across the street, even if our parishes do “everything right,” for example: making every existing Catholic a missionary disciple, and then sending every missionary disciple to evangelize his or her friends, family, and coworkers we would still be missing the evangelization of everyone without meaningful contact with a Catholic. And because our Lord left even the ninety-nine in search for the one, our Church cannot in good conscience leave so many souls behind. Thus, if we are to make disciples of all nations, though our evangelical strategy will most certainly mean more than just neighborhood evangelization, it cannot mean less” (Neighborhood Evangelization, pg. 39).

What does Sent believe?
We must remember constantly that even against a culture in which religion is being driven regularly into the private sphere, the Universal Church’s aim has always been to see the faith held universally. This is the Christian ideal, and with G.K. Chesterton we must say that it is often not the case “that it has been tried and found wanting, but found difficult and left untried.” This is the paradigm in which neighborhood evangelization fits in, and this is its aim: “that all might be saved,” (1 Tim. 2:4) especially those who are distant from the Church, such as the “nones” and “fallen-away Catholics” (N.E., pg. 17).

How is Sent different from other street apostolates?
...These are the dimensions that make a neighborhood evangelization fruitful: prayer, preaching, and providing, which stems from a witness based on baptismal identity and focused on charity. This is the method at the door (pg, 54). Not only must it be based on a method that is baptismal and focused on charity, but it must also provide and plan to accompany neighbors over time. For not only must the seed be planted, as St. Paul says, but it must also be watered if God is to give the growth (N.E., pg. 72).

How can I bring Sent to my parish or diocese?
The best way to bring sent to you diocese is by inviting one of our existing coordinators to do a one-day crash course/Q & A session for pastors. The easiest way to bring sent to your parish is to contact us and receive on-line training, as well as the resources needed to get your Sent team off the ground.

How can I help Sent?
Pray, pray, and pray. Please pray for the apostolate that it may grow and prosper according to God’s most holy will. Next, spread the word. Finally, if you feel called, you can support us financially.
Pt. 2: Pastoral Questions

How does Sent benefit me and my parish?
Sent benefits pastors by allowing them to accomplish their mission, which is a, “care of souls (that) should always be infused with a missionary spirit so that it reaches out as it should to everyone living within the parish boundaries (Christus Dominus, Vatican II). And does so by equipping the laity to reach all within the territory for, “If the pastor cannot contact certain groups of people, he should seek the assistance of others, even laymen, who can assist him in the apostolate (Ibid.).

How much does Sent cost?
If you would like to book a Sent Evangelization workshop, send us email!

How involved do I have to be with Sent?
Pastoral involvement is necessary in three ways: by giving the apostolate its blessings, helping select initial members, and allowing the apostolate space/time within the parish to host its meetings. After that, the apostolate is set-up to be ran without requiring time from the pastor.

What resources are available to me?
Everything from the Pastoral Booklet, to a Beginners Guide, to a Launch Checklists, to the book (coming soon), and ongoing support is available for pastors/parishoners. “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened for you” (Lk. 11:9).

What training is available for the parish Sent teams?
Training is provided via videos, webinars, and on-site training, depending on which works best for each individual parish. We recommend a one-day training at the parish led by a Sent coordinator (free of charge), but online training is just as effective.

Is it safe?
Sent recommends that evangelists always go two-by-two, and prudently discern where to be sent. Safety guidelines are also provided through Sent training.

How do I get started?
Send us an email, and we will connect you with one of our coordinators to help get your own Sent Team off the ground.
Pt. 3: Parish Sent Team

Are there criteria to being an Evangelist?
To be determined by your pastor, but if you think the apostolate may be a good fit for you, read the material online and give us a call.

What is my time-commitment?
Depending on your particular Sent team, we have found that the majority of parishoners commit to 1-2 sent outings per month. This amounts to a 2-4 hour commitment spread over 4 weeks.

Is there ongoing support?
Absolutely, we are here to support you and your team. Each sent team is assigned a coordinator to conduct training, launch and provide ongoing support via phone/web.